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Facebook Ads Service

Are you afraid of losing your business value? Get in touch with OAP Digital to plan Facebook advertising to increase the value of your business. It is the best way to overcome business challenges to meet your sales target quickly. We are a team of committed ad specialists that have excellent command over advertising services. Therefore, our Ad experts handle campaigns under specific rules and instructions. They have designed a roadmap and follow it to manage FB ads.

The ultimate purpose of running a Facebook Ad is to practice ethical brand values and quick promotion. Indeed, it is ideal for targeting an audience that comes to your page by clicking on the ad you design to grab their attention. However, our design team coordinates with advertising specialists before creating an eye-catching post to increase the number of followers through advertisement. All the credit goes to the efforts of our advertising specialists who plan and monitor your ad campaigns to bring driving results.

Paid posts make a big difference when you are serious about reaching the potential audience for increasing the engagement and fan base efficiently. Thankfully, our experts are responsible for boosting your products by running ads that also increase the online presence of your business.

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    How can we help you?

    Why Choose Us?

    OAP Digital is your one-stop destination that takes care of Facebook ads to enhance your business in a quick time. Our specialists are qualified, skilled and devoted when it comes to setting up the campaigns. Hence, we deal with all B2B & B2C clients, as our goal is to build a strategy based on competitive research. If you are serious about approaching solid leads, you can find no other service better than running Facebook ads. It is a smart strategy based on creativity and monitoring skills. Here are the top reasons to choose our service!

    Target Right Audience

    OAP Digital focuses on the right target audience. We always target the right audience that soon turns into leads after viewing the ads.

    Easy To Find New Leads

    With the right targeting of the audience, it becomes easy for our experts to find new leads. Therefore, we come across potential leads in the first attempt.


    Our certified ad specialists also retarget the visitors who didn’t convert for the first time. Hence, we don’t let them go in the second attempt and pay attention to retargeting.

    How OAP Digital Plans Google Ads Campaign?

    Do you want to engage with potential customers? Make OAP Digital your ultimate destination to get hassle-free advertising services on Facebook under the supervision of certified professionals. Here are the plans that our experts make to handle your FB ad campaign!

    • Research & Discover

    Our intellectual Ad specialists never start any campaign without research. We do complete research on the client’s business and discover key facts before starting an advertisement. In this process, our team leaders search for the right target audience and check the potential of a product whether it is suitable for paid advertising or not. Without research & discovery, we fail to estimate the success rate of a campaign.

    • Competitors Analysis

    After completing the research process, we also do competitors analysis to know the current standings of our client’s business. It keeps us informed about the latest updates and market trends. It is a must to analyze the business of competitors so that we may give suggestions and recommendations to clients regarding necessary changes in the business. It is the benefit of competitive research and analysis that keeps our clients updated.

    • Build Strategy for Ad Campaign

    Besides completing the competitive analysis, we also build strategies for ad campaigns. For effective performance, we have to plan a long-term ad strategy to make a difference. The purpose is to give you a competitive edge in the market by making your ad appear on top of the Facebook searches. Our campaign-building strategy is long-term that secures your goal and changes the current status of your business.

    • Conversion Tracking

    We also optimize your Facebook ad campaign by focusing on conversion tracking. We implement A/B testing methods to check the Ads click-through rate and conversion rate. It is the process of analyzing the performance of your Facebook Ads that our experts handle to bring strenuous results.


    Our Process


    Let’s take a look at the process of our Facebook Ads!

    • Crucial information collection.
    • Get required access.
    • Facebook Pixel Installation.
    • Domain verification.
    • Drafted Ads approval.
    • Campaign Setup.
    • Audience Selection, performance analysis, and monitoring Ad.
    • Monthly reporting including recommendations.

    OAP Digital commits you to increase followers, engagements, web traffic, and wider Facebook reach. Our target is to offer excellent customer services to resolve the issues and to enhance brand recognition at the same time. What are you waiting for? We are one call away!

    Are you Ready to Setup Successful Facebook Ads Campaigns to Improve ROI?

    Contact Us Today